John the Killer

> It happened when I was 12 years old.
> I had went to bed after a long day, and was just drifting to sleep.
> In the deep silence, I heard something that made me stir.
> A creak from my window
> I froze completely still, and tried to make out what made the sound.
> I saw nothing.
> I stood, and walked to my window, peering out into the street. Still, there was nothing. Another creak.
> I turned swiftly, but still there was only thin air.
> I paused, and suddenly heard a chilling voice from seemingly every direction.
> "You can't see me..."
> I started to run.
> Something tripped me before I could make it to the door, and I yelped as I fell.
> I could see him now, and he was terrifying.
> Although stout, his muscles were unnaturally large.
> His jaw seemed chiseled, and his eyes endless.
> He grinned and lifted me above his head.
> "YOUR TIME IS UP!" He screamed at the top of his lungs before slamming me on the floorboards.
> I could hear my spine snapping from the force, but I couldn't scream.
> The pain was too great.
> He leaned in, and placed his hand in between our faces, shaking it.
> He fled through the same window he got in through.
> Since that day, I have been stuck in a wheelchair.
> The latest reports depict him with a large golden belt around his waist.
> God help you if you ever see John the Killer.